Customer engagement through digital channels and handheld devices has become a core competitive advantage in the financial services sector.

Technological advancement and the increase in global connection speeds have radically changed the way business is done in the financial services sector. However, a cybersecurity incident can easily tarnish the brand assurance and trust built up with digital customers over many years.

To ensure a safe environment for your digital customers, here are some areas that require your attention.


Living Up To The Future of Customer Expectations for Financial Services


  • Delivering Security by Design & Default – do not overlook the importance of security when developing new software products
  • Ensuring Users of the Digital Platforms are Who they Say they Are – secure hardware-backed with 2-way authentication
  • Encrypt & Always Back Up the Data – data encryption and additional backups are essential against hackers or man-made disasters
  • Keeping Emloyees Updated on the Latest Cybersecurity Landscape – to keep them aware of the dangers and mitigate any cyber risks that may be lurking around your network vicinity

CyberQuote offers Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing services to help companies ensure their IT infrastructure is secure against cyber-attacks and minimize the risk of data breaches.

At CyberQuote, we believe training the users is key to having great cyber hygiene. Our Cyber-Safeguard Awareness Programme (C-SAP), which is accredited by the Institute of Banking and Finance (IBF), is designed for companies to increase cybersecurity awareness of their employees.

CyberQuote also provides solutions for Cyber Hygiene. For more details, please contact us today!