As malicious attacks can cause organizations to suffer huge financial and reputational losses, it is critical that all necessary network systems are well protected against cybercriminals

Penetration testing aka Pentest is crucial to ensuring that networks and systems are secured. A Pentest is a simulated attack performed against an organization’s network and systems to uncover exploitable vulnerabilities before an actual hacker does.

You might be wondering how a Pentest is conducted, what you need to consider and do. Here are the 5 Stages in a Penetration Test!


5 Stages in a Penetration Test


  1. Reconnaissance – Defining the scope and objective of the test, gathering of information about the target for the planning of the attack.
  2. Scanning – Understanding how the target application will respond to different intrusion attempts. Openings are then found through Static and Dynamic analysis.
  3. Gaining Access – The tester attempts to access and take control of one or more of the target’s network devices, either to extract information of value or attack another target.
  4. Maintaining Access – See if the access to the vulnerability can be maintained long enough to achieve a persistent presence on the target device.
  5. Covering Tracks & Analysis – Concealing of all evidence to eliminate all possibilities of an attack being detected. Test results are then gathered into a report for weaknesses to be examined.


CyberQuote offers Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing services to help companies ensure their IT infrastructure is secure against cyber-attacks and minimize the risk of data breaches.

At CyberQuote, we believe training the users is key to having great cyber hygiene. Our Cyber-Safeguard Awareness Programme (C-SAP), which is accredited by the Institute of Banking and Finance (IBF), is designed for companies to increase cybersecurity awareness of their employees.

CyberQuote also provides solutions for Cyber Hygiene. For more details, please contact us today!