As we all return to work from the not-so-long CNY break, we must bear in mind to not let our guard down as cyber-attacks will strike when we least expect them to. Here are a few safety tips we’d like to share with you:

Back to Work from CNY Break

  • Shut down your PCs and laptops before you leave the office everyday
  • Avoid plugging in any unauthorized USB or storage devices
  • Do not open or download attachments from suspicious emails
  • Sensitive data and confidential files should always be stored on secure servers
  • NEVER assume that you will not be a target

At CyberQuote, we believe training the users is key to having great cyber hygiene. Our Cyber-Safeguard Awareness Programme (C-SAP), which is accredited by the Institute of Banking and Finance (IBF), is designed for companies to increase cyber security awareness of their employees. CyberQuote also provides solutions for Cyber Hygiene. For more details, please contact us today!