CyberQuote is a well established fin-tech company with over 20 years in the financial industry. In the area of cyber security, we provide services such as Penetration Testing Services, Vulnerability Assessment & Cyber Security Awareness Programs for Corporate Staffs in Singapore & South East Asia.
Commercial enterprises that rely extensively on their online databases cannot undermine the importance of Cyber Security. Unless you deploy a proven measure to safeguard your sensitive data you can never know when hackers can malign their integrity .
Why Penetration Testing ?
Today, most companies from small start-ups to international businesses see the importance of penetration testing. Hazards from extremely refined hackers and cyber criminals mean that you cannot afford to be fully contented with your cyber security. As hackers are becoming increasingly proficient, business owners are also becoming increasingly concerned of system threats. One amongst the foremost vital tools that firms will use to defend themselves is penetration testing. Penetration testing is a cyber security skill that utilizes an equivalent technique as a criminal hacker to gain access to your IT systems. They use any methodology that a criminal would possibly use like parole cracking, viruses or maybe social engineering.
The usual case for businesses that run their own cyber security and in house computer systems is that they seldom get a second opinion. Several business homeowners trust their IT professionals and believe that they have robust systems that are free from potential weaknesses. However, results of not obtaining a second professional opinion is that you may just be left with blind spots in your systems.

Penetration Testing
Even after installing the necessary firewalls just last month, hackers may continue to search for vulnerabilities in your system, probing and testing for security gaps and lapses.
It is absolutely necessary to find any new vulnerabilities before the hackers do.
You can do this by having our ethical professionals conduct Penetration Tests on your system and have security gaps patched and sealed before hackers find them.